Collaclot and Pet First aid for bleeding

13 videos, 32 minutes

Course Content

Tail amputations

Video 9 of 13
2 min 7 sec

Tail Amputations in Pets: Managing Challenges with COLLACLOT™

Exploring Tail Amputations in Pets

Introduction: Tail amputations in pets pose unique challenges due to the presence of numerous blood vessels, leading to potential excessive bleeding.

Complications: Animals' natural tendency to wag their tails can disrupt healing efforts and bandaging, resulting in renewed bleeding.

Effective Dressing Solutions

Prior Discussions: Previous articles have covered wound dressing techniques and emphasized the importance of cohesive bandages for secure adhesion, especially crucial for tail injuries.

Bandage Selection: Normal bandages may not stay in place due to tail movement, making cohesive bandages the preferred option for amputations.

Application of COLLACLOT™

Procedure: In full tail amputations, COLLACLOT™ is applied to the wound's surface. Keeping the animal calm during this process is essential to ensure safety.

Benefits of COLLACLOT™: COLLACLOT™ works to stop bleeding and promote healing, providing a crucial step before transporting the pet to the vet.

Securing the Dressing

Ensuring Stability: After applying COLLACLOT™ and confirming no bleeding, a cohesive bandage is used to maintain the dressing and COLLACLOT™ in place.

Reduced Risk: As COLLACLOT™ aids in healing, tail wagging is less likely to disrupt the dressing.

Veterinary Attention and Aftercare

Importance of Veterinary Consultation: Take the amputated tail part to the vet, providing essential information for assessment, although reattachment is often challenging.

Additional Benefit: COLLACLOT™ inhibits bacterial growth, reducing the risk of infection associated with amputations.

Seeking Immediate Care: Stabilize your pet and seek veterinary attention promptly for the best chances of full recovery.