Collaclot and Pet First aid for bleeding

13 videos, 32 minutes

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Ear Injuries

Video 6 of 13
1 min 43 sec
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Managing Ear Injuries in Animals with COLLACLOT™


Ear injuries are prevalent among animals, especially adventurous cats prone to catching their ears while climbing fences or during conflicts with other animals.

Challenges of Ear Injuries

The challenge with ear injuries lies in the significant blood flow they can cause, potentially leading to discomfort and prolonged bleeding if left unattended.

Using COLLACLOT™ for Ear Injuries

Effective Solution: COLLACLOT™ offers an ideal solution for managing ear injuries in animals.

Application: Apply COLLACLOT™ over and around the ear, ensuring coverage of the wound site to stop bleeding and promote healing.

Aftercare and Further Treatment

After securing the wound with COLLACLOT™ and stopping the bleeding, further secure it with a conventional or cohesive bandage before transporting the animal to the vet.

Advantage of COLLACLOT™: Immediate promotion of healing and bleeding control are the key advantages of using COLLACLOT™ for ear injuries.

Veterinary Assistance

After initial care, prompt veterinary assistance is essential for potential stitching of the wound and comprehensive treatment to aid the animal's recovery.